Sunday, 28 February 2016

The most rubbish yet brilliant film? - GRIMSBY

On the 26th February, the rather hilarious yet controvertial Sacha Baron Cohen delighted our cinema screens with his new film Grimsby. A tale of Grimsby who was sepreated from his brother Sebastian when they was both in care. Whilst Sebastian went on to become a spy, Grimsby became a slobby father of nine! And it's the stereotypical storyline of saving the world!

Now, I have seen all of Cohen's films and I personally find him hilarious! I know he can be a tad controvertial and he's a tad like marmite, you either love him or you hate him. But I love him. So when the day came when Grimsby was released I was extatic, as the trailers looked hilarious and I had a lot of faith in the film, from how much I enjoyed his previous work.  My favourite by far has to be Borat, that film had me in absolute stitches, it is class. And how can you not love the famous mankini!?!

But back to Grimsby, I have to say, I was a little dissapointed. It was absolutely hilarious don't get me wrong, but from the content in Borat, Bruno and The Dictator especially, I felt Cohen played it a little too safe with this one. Given his previous work of course. But that doesn't mean it didn't have me in stitches! I think because Cohen played a proper, typical British male character, I just thought it was brilliant and so relatable (not me being a man but it being British humour!).
Oh and I think the seriousness of Mark Strong's character Sebastian being a long side Cohen's non serious and hilarious character just made it even more brilliant! I love Strong and all his work and I thought him being in this kind of film was brilliant!
Plus the ever so brilliant Rebel Wilson featured in the film, and she is my idol! I love her, she is just brilliant. In everything she does, she just doesn't give a shit, and I love it. And she is absolutely hilarious in this film. But Cohen's actual wife Isla Fisher features in the film, alongside Penelope Cruz and many others.

Now the films storyline is all over the bloody place and I will warn that you have to have a very broad and open sense of humour to watch this film. If you are easily offended, I would advise you not watch this film, as some of the jokes, remarks and comments featured throughout this film, are very out there, that's all i'll say. But to be honest, that's what you get from any Cohen film. And me personally, I love it. But it's certainly not for everyone, as I said before, films like this are like marmite. The thing that got me was his perseption and performance of a typical lower class male, and people could take it as an offence, however I think it's bloody hilarious! For me it's what he names his kids, its hilarious, I'll give you an insight, one of them is called Stella and the other Artois! Hahahaha! It's fab, I love it.

Overall, I would say this isn't my favourite Cohen film nor is it near to one of my top comedy favourites. However given a storyline all over the place, the humour in it is brilliant and Cohen the man himself doesn't dissapoint his fans by acting like a complete knob for an hour and a half on the big screen.

So in general, i'd give it a 3 out of 5 stars.

So have you seen it? If so what do you think? I'd love to know, controvertial films like this, peoples opinions interest me!
Thankyou for reading, I know it's been a while but I'm back with regular posts so let me know what your interested in.

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