Sunday 28 February 2016

The most rubbish yet brilliant film? - GRIMSBY

On the 26th February, the rather hilarious yet controvertial Sacha Baron Cohen delighted our cinema screens with his new film Grimsby. A tale of Grimsby who was sepreated from his brother Sebastian when they was both in care. Whilst Sebastian went on to become a spy, Grimsby became a slobby father of nine! And it's the stereotypical storyline of saving the world!

Now, I have seen all of Cohen's films and I personally find him hilarious! I know he can be a tad controvertial and he's a tad like marmite, you either love him or you hate him. But I love him. So when the day came when Grimsby was released I was extatic, as the trailers looked hilarious and I had a lot of faith in the film, from how much I enjoyed his previous work.  My favourite by far has to be Borat, that film had me in absolute stitches, it is class. And how can you not love the famous mankini!?!

But back to Grimsby, I have to say, I was a little dissapointed. It was absolutely hilarious don't get me wrong, but from the content in Borat, Bruno and The Dictator especially, I felt Cohen played it a little too safe with this one. Given his previous work of course. But that doesn't mean it didn't have me in stitches! I think because Cohen played a proper, typical British male character, I just thought it was brilliant and so relatable (not me being a man but it being British humour!).
Oh and I think the seriousness of Mark Strong's character Sebastian being a long side Cohen's non serious and hilarious character just made it even more brilliant! I love Strong and all his work and I thought him being in this kind of film was brilliant!
Plus the ever so brilliant Rebel Wilson featured in the film, and she is my idol! I love her, she is just brilliant. In everything she does, she just doesn't give a shit, and I love it. And she is absolutely hilarious in this film. But Cohen's actual wife Isla Fisher features in the film, alongside Penelope Cruz and many others.

Now the films storyline is all over the bloody place and I will warn that you have to have a very broad and open sense of humour to watch this film. If you are easily offended, I would advise you not watch this film, as some of the jokes, remarks and comments featured throughout this film, are very out there, that's all i'll say. But to be honest, that's what you get from any Cohen film. And me personally, I love it. But it's certainly not for everyone, as I said before, films like this are like marmite. The thing that got me was his perseption and performance of a typical lower class male, and people could take it as an offence, however I think it's bloody hilarious! For me it's what he names his kids, its hilarious, I'll give you an insight, one of them is called Stella and the other Artois! Hahahaha! It's fab, I love it.

Overall, I would say this isn't my favourite Cohen film nor is it near to one of my top comedy favourites. However given a storyline all over the place, the humour in it is brilliant and Cohen the man himself doesn't dissapoint his fans by acting like a complete knob for an hour and a half on the big screen.

So in general, i'd give it a 3 out of 5 stars.

So have you seen it? If so what do you think? I'd love to know, controvertial films like this, peoples opinions interest me!
Thankyou for reading, I know it's been a while but I'm back with regular posts so let me know what your interested in.

Monday 23 November 2015

Game of Thrones..lets cut the anticipation..

The biggest question on Game of Thrones fans minds at the moment. IS JON SNOW DEAD? Well, a clue may have been given as a poster for the upcoming series next year has been released today, starring none other than Mr Kit Harington's character Jon Snow. It doesn't give away much but it's something, a sign his character could be returning to the next series, which is all any GOT fan is hoping. He doesn't look too good in the poster with all the blood, so his possible storyline for when he returns still remains a mystery, as we are all still unsure whether he is alive or dead. Kit insisted that he was finished with the show and his character, but the fate of his character has been kept a mystery. However, Kit was spotted in Belfast where and when they had been filming the new series, so speculation around Jon Snow's fate rose immidiately.
I was personally devestated when Jon Snow was stabbed and "killed", however I feel that this is exactly what HBO want, the hype and anticipation around Jon Snow's fate. It has circled the internet, taken over social media from the creation of memes to public discussions between fans about it. And this spreads word to more audiences about the show and creates something for new fans to be interested in, whilst keeping original fans on the edge of their seat. It's like a free yet efficient form of advertisment and this is becoming a regular thing. But it's not just GOT that has done it, take The Walking Dead, the whole "is Glenn dead" question flooded the internet and social media after the recent episode, which has shown the character Glenn being "killed". It's a very clever publicity stunt, it brings fans together whilst bringing new fans in. What do you think?
But back to Jon Snow. Do I think he's dead? Of course not, they'd have to try a lot better than that to get rid of him. But hey what do you think about it? Let me know!
They say that the series will start in April next year, but a specific date is yet to be set. Oh they don't half know how to keep us on the edge of our seats.

Thankyou for reading this quick, little post and I hope you enjoyed it!
Speak soon.

Can't beat a film for Christmas...

Hey there!
Can you believe how fast Christmas has come around, didn't seem like yesterday that I was welcoming in 2015 now in just over a month it will be 2016! Its crazy, but new year means new movies, tv. And nevermind next year we still have massive films to see this year, like the new Star Wars film which I am so so freaking excited for! We have the new adaptation of Macbeth, Krampus which is the new Christmas horror film, yes, you heard right, Christmas horror!
But Christmas is soon approaching and I thought I'd write a post suggesting some films, games etc that you could give as a gift at Christmas. So if your struggling to think of what to get someone, you can't beat a good box set. Or if you know someone is a mad film fanatic like myself, theres so many special edition film/tv and game sets and such that you can give as a gift. But enough of me blabbering on, lets get to it.

The Hobbit Trilogy

Now if you know someone who loves Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit or both, this is a perfect gift. Or it could even be for someone who you know loves mythical/action/adventure films. You get all three films obviously, and you can also get the extended edition, which has never before seen features, extended versions of the films and such included in it. This is available from today at HMV for only £39.99! Click here to be directed straight to the product!

The Walking Dead - Season 5

The Walking Dead is such a big TV series and very popular! It has one of the biggest fan bases I have seen for a TV show and this box set would be an ideal gift for a Walking Dead fan! Now unfortuantley its only available in America, however you will still be able to get it shipped from America and I will insert a link anyway! But it looks brilliant, and such a unique thing to give to someone as a christmas gift! So it's definitely worth a nosey! Now you can get it in Blu-Ray, and it is $134.99, which is a lot of money, but worth the investment if you have a hardcore Walking Dead fan to surprise at Christmas. It will be available from 1st December! Click link to be directed straight to the product!

Star Wars

With the new Star Wars film being released in December, whats not better than the original films to give as a gift at Christmas. The one I have found retails for £49.99, and this includes all 6 films. With all the hype around the new installment, this could be a perfect gift for many! Click here to be directed straight to the product!

Jurrasic Park

Again, the new installment to the Jurrasic Park franchise was released earlier this year, so this could be the perfect gift. It includes all 3 of the first films, but you can also throw in the new Jurrasic World with it, but there are some box sets that do all 4 together. But this one includes a cool T-Rex figuire, as well as other features. And this retailes for £85.00, so again only for someone you know is a hardcore Jurrasic Park fan, but this looks really cool. But again, you can have a nosey for yourself! Click here to be directed straight to the product!

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is one of my favourite TV shows and has been such a huge hit, with so much hype! And this box set which includes seasons 1-4 can be a perfect gift! It retails for £45.00. Click here to be directed straight to the product!

Some Games that may interest you...

Now I am not much of a fan of gaming, but I thought it may appeal to most people, and some games that are being released are part of film franchises, so here are some games that you can give to someone as a gift!

Star Wars : Battlefront - Out Now Click to go straight to the product!

Fallout 4 - Out Now Click to go straight to the product!

Call of Duty III - Out Now Click to go straight to the product!

Rise of Tomb Raider - Out Now Click to go straight to the product!

Just Cause 3 - Out Soon Click to go straight to the product!

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six:Siege - Out Soon Click to go straight to the product!

Now everything I have suggested can be found for cheaper compared to the links I have included, and after all this is just a blog post of suggestions.
I hope you have found this interesting or helpful, it's just something different for my blog.
I shall speak to you very soon, thankyou for reading!

Sunday 15 November 2015

Allegiant trailer is finally here!

After many teasers and snippets of the film Allegiant, yesterday the official full trailer was released. Allegiant is the last film in the Divergent series and it seems to be the biggest and baddest one! The new film involves Tris, Four and the rest of the gang who have finally won the battle against the Eruidite faction leader Jeanine. They've discovered, thanks to Tris' ability to unlock a message, that their home is not what they thought, and that they have been an experiment all along to test how human civilation works.

Now I have seen Divergent and Insurgent. I loved Divergent, but I didn't like Insurgent one bit, I just couldn't get into it, the acting wasn't the best, and it just simply didn't appeal to me personally. Which is a shame because I have read the books and they were brilliant, but I suppose it's one of those things and its just my opinion, because my friend loved the film. However, I still watched the new Allegiant trailer and I have to say, when watching it with low expectations, I was blown away. It looks absolutely brilliant. It really teases you at the beginning and then boom the action kicks in, and the production value looks great! Exactly what you'd expect from a big named blockbuster. But I'll let you judge that for yourself...check it out. Are you a fan of the Divergent series? What do you think of the films so far? Let me know!
Thankyou for reading this quick little post and I will speak soon!

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Release your inner child! FINDING DORY IS FINALLY HERE!

Yes, the first official teaser trailer was released for Finding Dory on the 10th November on Ellen, as Ellen is the voice of the famous pixar character! And WOW I am excited!
I absolutely love Disney and Pixar films, they just make me feel all nostalgic, and all warm and fuzzy inside. And Finding Nemo is one of my favourite Pixar films. Not only is it visually stunning but the storyline is brilliant, as Disney/Pixar never fail to present a deep and meaningful yet fun storyline through childrens animation. Its so clever, they are all so clever. I don't think there is one Disney film I've watched where I haven't gone through a series of emotions and learned a life lesson or two. But yes, Finding Nemo is one of my favourites and when the teaser picture was released on the 14th August I was so so excited as well as millions of other Pixar/Disney fans.

So there was quite a significant amount of time between the release of that first image to the release of the trailer. But who cares, it's here now! But we do have to wait just under a year until its release! BOO. But it's finally happening, and the trailer made me feel really happy and excited, so I can wait! But the film will be released on the 17th June 2016, so a feel good summer blockbuster to look forward too! But Pixar, there is one question...WHEN IS THE INCREDIBLES 2 HAPPENING! 
What are your thoughts? Are you excited? Let me know!
Thankyou for reading and I will speak soon!


Suicide Squad is most probably one of the highest anticipated films to be released in 2016. And with the first trailer being released in July and now the release of the December edition of Empire which consists some of the characters in the film, the anticipation is just getting bigger!

Four Empire covers were released, and of course we first have the new version of the Joker who will be played by Jared Leto. Now lets clear this up, yes, Heath Ledgers Joker look and performance was magnificent, flawless, just every positive adjective you can think of and it seems unbeatable. However, Jared Leto is also a brilliant actor, just take his performance in Dallas Buyers Club! I think Jared Leto will give the Joker a modern update and he will shock everyone who doubts him with his performance. The Joker that Jared will play does look so much different from previous Jokers but isn't this a good thing? Isn't something new and different better? What do you think? Well we shall see when the film is released August 5th 2016. And I am bloody excited! Then we have Will Smith's character Deadshot, now I am a big fan of Will Smith and his work, and I am excited to see him in Suicide Squad as I feel he has disappeared from the spotlight of the film world for a while and this could be his big comeback, as it is a very big film! And he looks kick ass in his cover shot! Next we have Margot Robbie who will play Harley Quinn, and again I love her, brilliant actress, and she looks exactly how I would picture Harley in real life. And finally we have Cara Delevingne as Enchantress, now Cara is new to the film world, however in the short time she's been acting she has been in a few big blockbusters, and now she's landed one of the lead roles in one of the biggest blockbusters to be released in 2016. I haven't seen much of her work, besides Paper Towns, which was okay. So it shall be interesting to see how she performs in this. But besides that she too looks brilliant in her cover shot, but she is a model after all!
I am super excited for this film and I have bought all four copies of Empire. I have put the covers down below so check them out! And if you get the chance have a read of it, some really cool stuff is featured about the film inside!
Thankyou and I shall speak soon!


Tuesday 29 September 2015

I have returned and so has BOND!

Yes, it's been a while since I have posted on here, but A-Levels for me are finally over! Hooray! I passed them all and I am finally at University studying for a media, film and culture degree. And now I have so much more time to give some tlc to my blog.

So enough about me, the build up continues to the highly anticpated SPECTRE, the newest addition to the Bond franchise. And I am so freakin' excited! Daniel Craig returns as Mr James Bond for the fourth time and he looks to be bigger and better than ever. The storyline is basically the discovery of a cryptic message which leads Bond back to his past and discover the truth behind Spectre.
Now I have watched every single Bond film, and I know everyone always says 'you can never beat the original' and people would curse at me if I ever bad mouthed the days when Sean Connery kicked ass in 'From Russia with Love' to 'Diamonds are Forever' , but I have to say I prefer the most recent Bond films. With the whole development in technology, from CGI to breath taking stunts, I am going to say I think Bond is better than it ever has been. As much as I loved the classics, besides when Pierce Brosnan was Bond (WORST BOND EVER). But being in 2015, Spectre looks to be visually spectacluar and better than ever!

But they have really kept fans on the edge of their seats from advertising to promotions to sneak peaks, and I am certainly excited for the film release. Most of the same cast from the past 3 films are back, such as Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris, Ben Whishaw and many more. But we have many exciting new additions to the film, and I am most excited for Andrew Scott, I LOVE HIM, he was amazing in Sherlock and I mean amazing, and he was brilliant in the film Pride. And when rumours were going around about him featuring in Spectre I was beyond excited, and when it was finally revealed he was, I was just extatic! I have high hopes and I am excited to be dazzled by his performance. And we have Christoph Waltz as our simply brilliant villain. I have really enjoyed his performances throughout his work especially in 'Water for Elephants' and especially one of his recent films 'Big Eyes' alongside Amy Adams was simply brilliant. So again, high hopes and I think he will be a brilliant villain.

There is also a lot of talk around the famous Bond opening titles, and apparently Spectres opening credits is supposed to be the biggest in Bond history. Director Sam Mendes has revealed that his extravagant day of the dead themed credits will be the best yet! And when looking back on previous opening credits, I have to say Sam Mendes must have something great up his sleeve to be 'the best yet' but only time will tell! What's your favourite Bond opening sequence? Mine is probably Goldfinger or Skyfall. Let me know!
And speaking of opening credits, you then have the soundtrack, and Spectre will be joined by the amazing Sam Smith, who wrote and will sing the Bond theme called 'Writing's on the wall'. I love Sam Smith's work, and listening to the soundtrack for the first time, I wasn't over whelmed, but then again, I said the same about 'Skyfall' by Adele and it wasn't long before I was singing it word for word round my kitchen! But I think it will grow on me, its Sam Smith after all. Sam is also the first British male solo artist to sing the Bond theme since Tom Jones featured in Thunderball in 1965. However Sam Smith's "Writing's on the wall" is out October 26th so for now have a listen on Youtube! But just simply hearing the classic Bond theme tune gives me goosebumps!

Well, I am very excited to see the newest addition to the Bond franchise. SPECTRE is out October 26th in cinemas across the UK and I will definitely be marching to my nearest cinema. I hope you enjoyed reading this short post and I will be writing more often now, so I will speak soon!